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Sunday Practice - New Time and Place

Posted on Saturday, April 29th, 2023 at 6:56 pm by Jeff
Big Changes for Sundays Paddle Practice.  New time & place!!
Bingen Marina boat ramp - start time 9AM. 
Michaela Copenhaver has an easy practice planned so you will have strength for downwinding later.  See you there!!
New for this year, we are going to try to keep this paddle practice going into the summer. The time and place might shift around but most likely it will be earlier and not on port property. It will be early is better because summer weekends are so busy and we don't want practice to interfere with downwinding. The location change because HR can be so crowded on summer weekends and the port is now very expensive to park at.  What the heck, let’s mix it up…
We will keep going as long as people keep coming and our 7 coaches have the time to volunteer. Please Please give them a huge thanks for what they do: Michaela Copenhaver, Michele Eray, Maggie Hogan, Donald Kiesling, Brian Kummer, Van Douglas, Jeff Castleberry.
Important - 
By attending you agree not to hold any participant, planner, coordinator, coach or assistant liable in any way.  This event is a gathering of individuals.  By attending and/or participating you are assuming full responsibility for all risks to you and risks you impose on others.  Water sports including paddling have inherent risks of bodily injuries and death.  There is no one in a position of life guard, life saving nor with first responder skills.  There is no organized rescue assistance provided.  It is your responsibility to know your safety skills, have your safety equipment and paddle with a pre-designated partner you trust.  Any and all planning, coordination, leading, assisting or coaching is offered voluntarily by volunteers. It is your responsibility to: fully research and understand the weather, conditions and risks, know the skills required, know your skill level is suitable, know your physical fitness/limitations; and it is your responsibility to determine if you should accept the risks and participate.