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Hatchlaps Thurs 5:30p

Posted on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 at 11:06 am by Jeff
New Time, New Place!!  Hatchlaps start this Thursday May 11, 6pm at the Spring Creek Hatchery WA. 
The Gorge is all about downwinding and we are blessed with the perfect place to practice, “the Hatchery”. 
Hatchlaps are a great way to get started in downwind paddling and the Spring Creek Hatchery State Park provides the perfect environment to practice paddling in wind, current, eddies and waves.  Be aware the conditions can be difficult and demanding.
Not sure about this?  Come watch, either give it a try or just join in for the after party.   Doing Hatchlaps asks for more stability, strength, cardio and moxie.  You are responsible to assess your own skill, set your own limits and paddle with a partner.  You should assume you will be in the water, dress appropriately and have a rock solid remount.  Have a whistle to alert others if you need help.  Let’s all play as a team and help others to learn safely.  If you haven’t paddled Hatchlaps before, don’t enter the water until you get some guidance from someone experienced.  Always look for boat traffic (barges), gill nets and monitor your distance from your launch point.
We park 500ft east of the Hatchery bathrooms, then carry boats on a short trail to the swim beach.  It is best to start by paddling east to the large cove to warm up and assess the conditions. From this cove conditions west are significantly more challenging (wind, waves, current, crowds).  I always start my first couple laps east and close to the shoreline.
After party - If you want, bring a beverage and easy, no effort, sharable munchies for after.
Up Front Warning:  Thurs could have winds gusting over 25mph and current above 300k cfs.
You are responsible to assess the conditions.  Find the web links for river flow river level, water temp, wind speed and forecasting. 
Important - 
By attending you agree not to hold any participant, planner, coordinator, coach or assistant liable in any way.  This event is a gathering of individuals.  By attending and/or participating you are assuming full responsibility for all risks to you and risks you impose on others.  Water sports including paddling have inherent risks of bodily injuries and death.  There is no one in a position of life guard, life saving nor with first responder skills.  There is no organized rescue assistance provided.  It is your responsibility to know your safety skills, have your safety equipment and paddle with a pre-designated partner you trust.  Any and all planning, coordination, leading, assisting or coaching is offered voluntarily by volunteers. It is your responsibility to: fully research and understand the weather, conditions and risks, know the skills required, know your skill level is suitable, know your physical fitness/limitations; and it is your responsibility to determine if you should accept the risks and participate.