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Art Show at Brimstone Boulders, Hood River. Friday, 5-6:30ish

Posted on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at 8:56 am by Dan (Last updated on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at 9:04 am)
Hi everyone, I've missed you all for the last couple of weeks.

I had (planned) hip surgery in late August and I've been recovering since. I'm doing well, but will continue to be off the water for a few months. In other(better) news, I have a set of topographic inspired paintings going up at the
Brimstone climbing gym this Friday. If you haven't been, Brimstone is a pretty neat climbing gym in a converted church, located at 616 State St, Hood River.
I'll be doing an art opening on Friday from 5-6:30. It'll be a low key affair, but there will be some food/bevvies and I'll be showing how I went about making these paintings. In additional to the topo series, I will also be bringing a selection of other work just for the opening.

Example painting:

I hope every is having a good fall and to see you on Friday.