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Paddle Like an Olympian - Aug 8 5:30p Cascade Locks

Posted on Thursday, August 8th, 2024 at 2:16 pm by Jeff
This is a rare and amazing opportunity. We are canceling Hatchlaps (windless+smoke) and suggesting everyone meet at the Cascade Locks beach for the Gorge Canoe Club community paddle.  Maggie Hogan is bringing a numbr of Olympic boats: K1s, K2s, C1s C2s and more.  Possibly the exact boat the Bellingham Boys qualified in for the 2024 Olympics.  Show up and give it a try.  Bring some potluck food, there will be a  grill.  Be aware there will be some smoke but this is not a heavy breather workout.  Lots of swimming and fun

See you there.  Cascade Locks 5:30p